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The Belt and Road Initiative: Journey towards the Future

Last October, students from the 1+2+1 program attended the seminar entitled: "An International Conference on Eastern Literature, History and Culture of the Belt and Road Region” which was brought together by the Confucius Institute and the Research Center of Eastern Literature of Peking University. It was held at the Leong Hall Auditorium, Ateneo De Manila University Loyala Campus.

The talk centered on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) or also known as The Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. The Chinese government adopted this as a development strategy that involves infrastructure development, investments in Europe, Asia and Africa.

Most of the topics discussed during the seminar were centered on how the Belt and Road Initiative came to be, along with its benefits. The Belt and Road Initiative reaps many positive comments on how it will help China and Its neighbors to further strengthen their relationship, promotes trade, and generate economic benefit.

Day 8 Conference: Beyond Business as Usual

CKS College BSBA Management and Marketing Management students recently attended a conference entitled “Beyond Business as Usual” held at BSA Twin Towers, Ortigas Center last October 13, 2018.

The speakers include: Euclid Cezar, owner of the Famous Belgian Waffles. He is listed as one of the most successful entrepreneurs of today. Darlyn Ty, Founder and President of Belle De Jour Power Planners. She is also one of the Outstanding ASEAN Women Entrepreneurs, one of the Youngest Agora Awardees for Entrepreneurship and Mansmith Young Market Masters Awardee for Entrepreneurship. Alvin Tan, owner and CEO, Chinoy TV. He is awarded as one of the 10 Inspiring Young Entrepreneurs by Go Negosyo in 2009. Paulo Tibi, owner of VCargo Worldwide. He is is an award-winning entrepreneur and is best known for his own brand of talk to various organizations in the country and abroad reaching out to thousands of motivated attendees. And, Josiah Go, the "Marketing Guru". He is a record-breaking bestselling author and most awarded business educator.

It is an insipiring conference to celebrate Entrepreneruship and Day 8 Business Academy’s 8 years of unlocking entrepreneurial potentials.







Euclid Cezar on Winning by Reinventing Business Concepts

Creating an interesting concept for the grab-and-go snack food for Filipino audience brought Euclid Cezar to the list of the most successful entrepreneurs of today. He introduced the Famous Belgian Waffles, which has become a household name, with growing branches here and abroad., Power in Products that Empower the Market by Darlyn Ty, Opportunities in Serving the Needs of a Niche by Alvin Tan, Championing Entrepreneurship in the Service Industry by Paulo Tibig, and Business Model by Josiah Go.




Rotaract Club of CKS College Feeding Program: "Fun Day, Sunday!"


Volunteering in all shapes and forms strengthens our communities. Last October 7, 2018 the Rotaract Club of Chiang Kai Shek College, held a feeding program entitled “Fun Day, Sunday!” held at Barangay 292, Zone 28, District 3, Binondo, Manila. This program was further made possible due to Rotaract’s collaboration with the Rotaract Club of Chinatown Manila, Junior Management Society and Junior Organization of Chiang Kai Shek College.

The event was hosted by RAC CKSC’s Inspiring President Ms. Patricia Intia and Junior Management Society’s PRO External Ms. Danna Chang, whose energies kindled the enthusiasm of the children audiences.

The event is indeed one great opportunity for the students to partake in spreading love to the neglected sectors of society. The value of sharing is to give help to those who needed it the most.


Article by: Nicole Anne Sia

CKS College - JPIA’s “One Degree Higher”

The CKS College Junior Philippines Institute of Accountants together with the Junior Organization conducted a seminar for the students to know more about a new program, the Certified Management Accountant (CMA) program entitled "One Degree Higher", last October 9, 2018 Tuesday at the Audio Visual Room at the Chiang Kai Shek College, Narra Campus.

The seminar aims to orient the students about the CMA program and the benefits of obtaining its licensure.  The event was led and hosted by John Angel Flores, and supported by CKSC JPIA and Junior Organization officers, and under the guidance of Mr. Ankiat Byron Co, the adviser for the organization and Program Coordinator for Accountancy.

The CMA seminar entitled One Degree Higher resource speaker is Mr. Angel Secerio Jr. CGMA, CFA, CMA, CPA, who was invited by the organization to talk about his journey to becoming as successful as he was today. He talked about the needs and requirements to pass the CMA program. He also gave information regarding fellow CKSians taking the CMA program and licensure exam in the upcoming months. He later gave a case scenario for the participants to interact and to analyze. After a few minutes, Mr. Secerio Jr. discussed how to answer and analyze the case as a CMA. He then discussed a few inspirational videos showing how CMA professionals stand in the global profession. The speaker also provided students with a remembrance and souvenirs coming from his company Insights.


CKS College JMA's “From Nothing to Pwede Na.”

Last Wednesday, October 03, 2018, the Chiang Kai Shek College Junior Marketing Association held their first inside seminar, with resource speakers Mr. Jericson Jabar and Ms. Kimberly Wee- Ebol, entitled “From Nothing to Pwede Na”.

True to its title, the seminar was filled with witty and insightful anecdotes and tips from the two speakers regarding their experiences as artists in the field of Photography and Filmography as well their works in Advertising at Spotlight Creatives. Just recently, the duo covered the Star Magic Ball 2018 and the audiences were lucky enough to hear from them regarding one of the Philippines’ most talked about event of the year.

Afterwards, the stage was opened for questions from the audience. Some asked for additional advice as amateur enthusiasts looking to improve their talents, while others were curious about how it was like working with local celebrities. Nonetheless, the speakers were willing to answer all queries.

Before the they ended, the speakers talked about the meaning of the seminar’s title, to which they said that everybody starts from nothing, but with willingness to learn more, one can enhance their skills and better themselves in what they chose to do and prove their worth even at a young age, leaving this as their parting wisdom to their fellow youths in the audience.


Article by: Vanissa O. Tanlimco

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  1. Honors' Circle Memorandum of Agreement Signing
  2. Selebrasyon ng Buwan ng Wika: “Wikang Filipino: Wika ng Pananaliksik”
  3. HRM-CKSians Bags Awards in 2018 Philippine Culinary Cup
  4. 15th Asia Pacific Regional Rotaract Conference

Page 14 of 63


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