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CKS College JMA's “From Nothing to Pwede Na.”

Last Wednesday, October 03, 2018, the Chiang Kai Shek College Junior Marketing Association held their first inside seminar, with resource speakers Mr. Jericson Jabar and Ms. Kimberly Wee- Ebol, entitled “From Nothing to Pwede Na”.

True to its title, the seminar was filled with witty and insightful anecdotes and tips from the two speakers regarding their experiences as artists in the field of Photography and Filmography as well their works in Advertising at Spotlight Creatives. Just recently, the duo covered the Star Magic Ball 2018 and the audiences were lucky enough to hear from them regarding one of the Philippines’ most talked about event of the year.

Afterwards, the stage was opened for questions from the audience. Some asked for additional advice as amateur enthusiasts looking to improve their talents, while others were curious about how it was like working with local celebrities. Nonetheless, the speakers were willing to answer all queries.

Before the they ended, the speakers talked about the meaning of the seminar’s title, to which they said that everybody starts from nothing, but with willingness to learn more, one can enhance their skills and better themselves in what they chose to do and prove their worth even at a young age, leaving this as their parting wisdom to their fellow youths in the audience.


Article by: Vanissa O. Tanlimco


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