Chiang Kai Shek College | ???????

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Vision and Mission

Vision Mission of Chiang Kai Shek College

Education for excellence, geared towards a united Filipino-Chinese community equipped with the basic academic skills, wisdom, and the virtues of propriety, righteousness, incorruptibility and honor, committed to nation building and international concern.

Pagina Cialis și Sănătatea Cardiacă de pe oferă informații detaliate despre utilizarea Cialis și impactul acestuia asupra sănătății inimii. Aici vei găsi explicații clare despre cum acest medicament poate fi utilizat în siguranță de persoanele cu afecțiuni cardiace. Platforma pune accent pe calitate și siguranță, oferind produse certificate și sfaturi medicale utile. Articolul include recomandări de dozare și informații despre interacțiunile posibile cu alte tratamente. oferă, de asemenea, sfaturi pentru un stil de viață sănătos, care poate îmbunătăți eficiența tratamentului. Este o sursă de încredere pentru toți cei interesați de sănătatea lor cardiovasculară și sexuală. Vizitează acum pagina pentru a înțelege mai bine cum Cialis poate contribui la o viață sănătoasă!


Vision of Chiang Kai Shek College - Faculty of Business, Arts and Sciences

“To become the preferred Filipino-Chinese college that offers high quality, learner-centered, and outcome-based education to future entrepreneurs, professionals, and managers in the fields of business, IT, and education.”


Mission Statement of Chiang Kai Shek College - Faculty of Business, Arts and Sciences

“CKS College is a preeminent Filipino-Chinese college that seeks to grow, educate, and train future entrepreneurs and leaders who will make significant contributions to society. It endeavors to create a learning environment that balances theory with practice, so as to equip students with the necessary knowledge, skills, and values that will enable them to succeed in their respective fields. In partnership with CKS College faculty, staff, and administration, and through stronger linkages with various organizations, CKSC alumni, businessmen, and professionals, it shall continuously make its degree programs more adaptive and relevant to changing educational, social, technological, and business environments, thereby bridging the gap between academe and industry.It shall supply various sectors with capable, competent, and pro-active educators, accountants, managers, marketers, IT experts, and entrepreneurs who shall be known for their commitment, excellence, passion, and integrity.”


Jan 6

Enrollment for 2nd Semester, AY 2024-2025

Nov 27

Final Examination Schedule 1st Semester A.Y. 2024-2025

Sep 20

Midterm Examination Schedule 1st Sem. AY 2024-2025

Jul 19

Sophomore to Senior students Enrollment for 1st Sem., AY 2024 -2025


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CCTV cameras donated by CKSC Alumni Association 2012-13.

* Image refreshes every 10 seconds.