The BSA Bridging Program is designed to provide BS - Management Accounting, BS - Accounting Technology, and BS - Accounting Information System graduates with further training as they pursue a second degree in BS in Accountancy at CKS College.
Applicants should be scheduled to graduate from their previous school by the end of the school year prior to the school year of admission and entry to CKS College.
- Download the Application Form.
- Submit the accomplished Application Form and other admission documents* through email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject [BSA Bridging Program Application - Full Name of Applicant]
- There shall be NO entrance exam for the Academic Year 2025-2026.
- The qualifying exam shall be scheduled by the admissions office.
Coverage of Qualifying Examination
1. Cash
a. Cash and Cash Equivalents
b. Bank Reconciliation
2. Receivables
a. Methods of Estimating Doubtful Accounts
b. Direct and Allowance Method
3. Inventories
a. Inventory Valuation
b. Inventory Estimation
4. Property, Plant and Equipment
a. Classification of Land, Building and Machinery
b. Different Modes of Acquisition
c. Subsequent Measurement – Cost Model only
d. Depreciation methods
5. Liabilities
a. Current Liabilities
i. Trade and other payables
ii. Warranties
iii. Premiums
iv. Provisions
b. Non-Current Liabilities
i. Bonds
6. Shareholders’ Equity
a. Share Issuance
b. Treasury Share Transactions
c. Share Retirement
d. Dividends
e. Book Value per share
f. Basic Earnings per share
Admission documents needed for submission:
Honorable Dismissal
Transcript of Records
Birth Certificate (NSO/PSA) / ICard / Certification of Naturalization for naturalized citizens
Applicant's latest 1x1 colored photo
Certificate of Good Moral Character
The admissions office will send an email to qualified and accepted applicants regarding enrollment dates, procedures, and payment instructions.
To stay in the program, successful applicants should:
Abide by the rules and regulations of the college, as stated in the CKS College student handbook.
Students who accumulate 9 units of failing grades (5.0) shall be disqualified from the program.