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HRM Kitchen Equipment Upgrading: a Generous Gift from Ms. Betty Ah

The Chiang Kai Shek College School of Hospitality Management is the recipient of various kitchen equipment from Chiang Kai Shek High School Batch 29 alumna and previous Batch 29  President, Ms. Betty Ah. A successful entrepreneur and philanthropist, Ms. Ah is a well-respected and widely recognized figure in the baking industry. Her family’s retail chain, Liberty Foodmart Inc., has been serving the Filipino and Filipino-Chinese markets for more than seven decades and continues to bring quality and affordable breads, cakes, and pastries to households and businesses nationwide.

Prior to making the donation, Ms. Betty Ah worked in close coordination with CKS College President Dr. Dory Poa and CKS Hospitality Management administrators and teachers to identify kitchen equipment and tools that can be utilized to further enhance the culinary programs of the College. Ms. Ah’s goal is to provide CKS College Hospitality Management students with the necessary facilities which shall be used to train them to become more industry-ready and globally competitive.

On July 30, 2019, the following kitchen equipment were delivered to the CKS College HRM Center, Narra Campus: 1 unit Ruey Shing two-door stainless steel freezer, 1 unit Ruey Shing two-door stainless steel chiller, 1 unit steam cabinet (with 6 perforated trays and 6 regular trays), 3 units of 6-burner stoves with stand, 1 unit planetary mixer (20 quarts; with grill guards), 3 units two-deck oven with five layer proofer, 1 unit countertop electric lava rock grills, 1 unit counter top electric lava rock grill, 2 units electric griddle, 2 units two-basket electric fryer, 10 units Xiaomi induction cooker, 3 units digital food thermometer, 3 units Constant electronic kitchen scale (0.1 grams), 3 units Constant electronic kitchen scale (1 gram), 1 unit Whirlpool microwave oven, 6 pieces perforated aluminum alloy sheet pans, 30 pieces aluminum steel sheet pans, 1 unit tray rack, 1 unit dual probe thermometer, 6 units single probe thermometers, and 10 units non-stick wok. In a simple, yet profound, gesture of humility and generosity, Ms. Betty Ah and her family members turned over the kitchen equipment to CKS College Hospitality Management administrators, led by CKS College President, Dr. Dory Poa.

These generous gifts of Ms. Betty Ah are instrumental to the kitchen upgrading efforts of CKS College, as it endeavors to offer more culinary and baking courses, along with its Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management Program. With these new and updated kitchen tools and equipment, the College shall be able to collaborate more intensively with various industry practitioners and offer more relevant culinary programs and classes. Truly, Ms. Ah is an epitome of what it means when one says that “giving is not just about making a donation; it’s about making a difference.”

6th National Student Research Conference (NSRC)

The 6th National Student Research Conference (NSRC) was held last May 20 – 21, 2019, at the City State Asturias Hotel, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan. At the same time, our students from the Schools of Business, Marxist Nicole T. So, and Information Technology, Joshua Adrian P. Paboroquez, Rvy Louis S. Tan, and Giselle Jasmine G. Tan presented their research papers. Their research papers are now included in the National Student Research Conference Book of Abstracts Volume 4, Issue 1 (ISSN 2508-0385).

This achievement would not have been possible without the support of CKS College BSBA and ITE faculty members, especially Mr. Lester Hao (CKS College ITE Program Head) and Dr. Ivy Lim (Research Coordinator), who co-authored the said papers. May this further enhance the research culture within CKS College!

JPIA General Assembly: The Case of the Lost Numbers

Organized by the CKS College Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants, future CPAs’ gathered together at room 701-703, located at the 7th floor of CKS College, Narra Campus, Tondo Manila in celebration of the annual general assembly on July 11, 2019 (Thursday). The general assembly, entitled “JPIA: The Case of the Lost Numbers,” was conducted into three important segments which consists of two consecutive short seminars followed by interactive games for the participation of the students.

The first guest speaker named Ms. Lynette Chung who also finished a bachelor’s degree in Accountancy from CKSC and is currently taking up law in Ateneo de Manila University. She shared about her personal experiences in her journey towards being a certified accountant and encouraged the audience through inspirational messages by practicing hard work, devotion, and determination.

The second guest speaker is the Vice President of NFJPIA-NCR, Ms. Nikoli Joven. She emphasized about how they help JPIAns attain academic excellence and social growth as their main purpose similar with how CKSC students can approach the CKSC-JPIA officers if one is academically or socially in need as mentioned by the speaker. She also talked about the various academic and non-academic events that the students can participate into such as The Greatest JPIA Show where JPIAns can reveal their hidden talents or The 3rd Seed Cup for quiz bee competitions.

Finally, as the program comes to an end, entertaining games called Stations, Charades, “Debit Credit” were launched to the students where winners were not left empty-handed as they had received corresponding prizes. 


Article by: Geortina Liao

CKS College Commencement Exercises 2019

The CKS College Commencement Exercises shall be held on April 27, 2019 (Saturday), at the CKSC Auditorium, Padre Algue Campus. A sum of 203 proud graduates (175 Bachelor’s and 28 Master’s degree candidates) shall be recognized as they are ushered into various industries to make a positive difference in society.

One of this year's Magna cum Laude is an Honors' Circle Scholar -- Janelle W. Dioniso (Bachelor of Science in Accounatncy). As top graduate of the Class of 2019, she shall receive the Julian Cotio Award for Academic Excellence, Late Chua Tan Bi Tin Achievement Award, Isla Lipana and Co. of Academic Excellence Award, and Tan Lin Lay Award for Top Graduate in Accountancy. Another Magna Cum Laude -- Rvy Louis S. Tan (Bachelor of Science in Information Technology). He shall also be receiving Late Chua Tan Bi Tin Achievement Award. 

Four students shall march at the Graduation Rites as Cum Laude: Yulin Chen (Bachelor of Science in Accountancy), Adriel T. Chua (Bachelor of Science in Information Technology), Myra Kimly R. Hsueh(Bachelor of Secondary Education, major in Teaching Chinese Language), and Jasmine Marie M. Ng Cheong(Bachelor of Science in Accountancy). All awardees shall also receive the Late Chua Tan Bi Tin (Alumni 20) Achievement Award.

Furthermore, as stipulated above, 28 Graduate School candidates for graduation will be receiving their confirmations in the aforesaid ceremony.  This year’s Academic Excellence in Graduate Studies goes to Ms.  Jacqueline S. Matillano (Master of Arts in Education, major in English Language Teaching) , who also happens to be one of the recipients of the Excellence in Research Recognition.  Other recipients of the Excellence in Research include: Ms. Michelle Joy E. Sustento (Master in Business Administration) and Marilyn Garcia (Master of Arts in Education, major in Educational Management and Supervision).

The Commencement Speaker for the CKS College Commencement Exercises 2019 shall be Mr. Josiah L. Go, Chairman of Mansmith and Fielders, Inc. 

The graduation ceremonies shall be from 9AM to 12NN and can be viewed via live stream at It can also be viewed via live video on Facebook.

Hospitality Management Students Triumphant in Filipino Food Festival Festival 2019

Last April 5, 2019 our Hospitality Management students competed in the Filipino Food Festival 2019 Challenges organized by the LPU-Les Jeunes Chef held at Lyceum of the Philippines University-Culinary Institute, Intramuros Manila.


The Filipino Food Festival 2019 is the first national competition organized by LPU-Les Jeunes Chef, a student organization of the LPU-Culinary Institute. The said competition was divided into two major categories: Savory category and Pastry Category. Our students competed in the savory category, namely the Filipino Creative Breakfast Challenge, Local Pork Challenge, and Dry Pasta Challenge.


Mr. Harris Edric So competed in the Filipino Creative Breakfast Challenge, Ms. Hannah Gail Chua competed in the Local Pork Challenge, and Ms. Patricia Ong competed in the Dry Pasta Challenge.


Harris created his Pirurutong Arroz Caldo, adobo-pickled Egg, 5-spiced fried shrimp tofu, roasted sampaloc-glazed chicken wings with homemade chili sauce and calamansi air for his Filipino Creative Breakfast. Hannah created her dried mango roulade with bayabas sauce, cheese pimiento-stuffed okra, mashed ube and camote, grilled native corn and blue-pea foam for her Local Pork Dish and lastly, Patricia created her malunggay-pesto rellenong pusit with black croutons and kesong puti for her Dry Pasta Dish.


In the end, Harris won with Gold Medal while Hannah and Patricia won with Bronze Medals.

More Articles...

  1. CKS College Student Colloquium 2019
  2. CKS College Business Expo 2019 at the Lucky Chinatown Atrium
  3. HRM CKSian Prevails in Jolly University Year 5
  4. Faculty Research Colloquium 2019

Page 11 of 63


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