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JPIA General Assembly: The Case of the Lost Numbers

Organized by the CKS College Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants, future CPAs’ gathered together at room 701-703, located at the 7th floor of CKS College, Narra Campus, Tondo Manila in celebration of the annual general assembly on July 11, 2019 (Thursday). The general assembly, entitled “JPIA: The Case of the Lost Numbers,” was conducted into three important segments which consists of two consecutive short seminars followed by interactive games for the participation of the students.

The first guest speaker named Ms. Lynette Chung who also finished a bachelor’s degree in Accountancy from CKSC and is currently taking up law in Ateneo de Manila University. She shared about her personal experiences in her journey towards being a certified accountant and encouraged the audience through inspirational messages by practicing hard work, devotion, and determination.

The second guest speaker is the Vice President of NFJPIA-NCR, Ms. Nikoli Joven. She emphasized about how they help JPIAns attain academic excellence and social growth as their main purpose similar with how CKSC students can approach the CKSC-JPIA officers if one is academically or socially in need as mentioned by the speaker. She also talked about the various academic and non-academic events that the students can participate into such as The Greatest JPIA Show where JPIAns can reveal their hidden talents or The 3rd Seed Cup for quiz bee competitions.

Finally, as the program comes to an end, entertaining games called Stations, Charades, “Debit Credit” were launched to the students where winners were not left empty-handed as they had received corresponding prizes. 


Article by: Geortina Liao


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