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HRM Kitchen Equipment Upgrading: a Generous Gift from Ms. Betty Ah

The Chiang Kai Shek College School of Hospitality Management is the recipient of various kitchen equipment from Chiang Kai Shek High School Batch 29 alumna and previous Batch 29  President, Ms. Betty Ah. A successful entrepreneur and philanthropist, Ms. Ah is a well-respected and widely recognized figure in the baking industry. Her family’s retail chain, Liberty Foodmart Inc., has been serving the Filipino and Filipino-Chinese markets for more than seven decades and continues to bring quality and affordable breads, cakes, and pastries to households and businesses nationwide.

Prior to making the donation, Ms. Betty Ah worked in close coordination with CKS College President Dr. Dory Poa and CKS Hospitality Management administrators and teachers to identify kitchen equipment and tools that can be utilized to further enhance the culinary programs of the College. Ms. Ah’s goal is to provide CKS College Hospitality Management students with the necessary facilities which shall be used to train them to become more industry-ready and globally competitive.

On July 30, 2019, the following kitchen equipment were delivered to the CKS College HRM Center, Narra Campus: 1 unit Ruey Shing two-door stainless steel freezer, 1 unit Ruey Shing two-door stainless steel chiller, 1 unit steam cabinet (with 6 perforated trays and 6 regular trays), 3 units of 6-burner stoves with stand, 1 unit planetary mixer (20 quarts; with grill guards), 3 units two-deck oven with five layer proofer, 1 unit countertop electric lava rock grills, 1 unit counter top electric lava rock grill, 2 units electric griddle, 2 units two-basket electric fryer, 10 units Xiaomi induction cooker, 3 units digital food thermometer, 3 units Constant electronic kitchen scale (0.1 grams), 3 units Constant electronic kitchen scale (1 gram), 1 unit Whirlpool microwave oven, 6 pieces perforated aluminum alloy sheet pans, 30 pieces aluminum steel sheet pans, 1 unit tray rack, 1 unit dual probe thermometer, 6 units single probe thermometers, and 10 units non-stick wok. In a simple, yet profound, gesture of humility and generosity, Ms. Betty Ah and her family members turned over the kitchen equipment to CKS College Hospitality Management administrators, led by CKS College President, Dr. Dory Poa.

These generous gifts of Ms. Betty Ah are instrumental to the kitchen upgrading efforts of CKS College, as it endeavors to offer more culinary and baking courses, along with its Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management Program. With these new and updated kitchen tools and equipment, the College shall be able to collaborate more intensively with various industry practitioners and offer more relevant culinary programs and classes. Truly, Ms. Ah is an epitome of what it means when one says that “giving is not just about making a donation; it’s about making a difference.”


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