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CKS College - JPIA’s “One Degree Higher”

The CKS College Junior Philippines Institute of Accountants together with the Junior Organization conducted a seminar for the students to know more about a new program, the Certified Management Accountant (CMA) program entitled "One Degree Higher", last October 9, 2018 Tuesday at the Audio Visual Room at the Chiang Kai Shek College, Narra Campus.

The seminar aims to orient the students about the CMA program and the benefits of obtaining its licensure.  The event was led and hosted by John Angel Flores, and supported by CKSC JPIA and Junior Organization officers, and under the guidance of Mr. Ankiat Byron Co, the adviser for the organization and Program Coordinator for Accountancy.

The CMA seminar entitled One Degree Higher resource speaker is Mr. Angel Secerio Jr. CGMA, CFA, CMA, CPA, who was invited by the organization to talk about his journey to becoming as successful as he was today. He talked about the needs and requirements to pass the CMA program. He also gave information regarding fellow CKSians taking the CMA program and licensure exam in the upcoming months. He later gave a case scenario for the participants to interact and to analyze. After a few minutes, Mr. Secerio Jr. discussed how to answer and analyze the case as a CMA. He then discussed a few inspirational videos showing how CMA professionals stand in the global profession. The speaker also provided students with a remembrance and souvenirs coming from his company Insights.



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