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The Belt and Road Initiative: Journey towards the Future

Last October, students from the 1+2+1 program attended the seminar entitled: "An International Conference on Eastern Literature, History and Culture of the Belt and Road Region” which was brought together by the Confucius Institute and the Research Center of Eastern Literature of Peking University. It was held at the Leong Hall Auditorium, Ateneo De Manila University Loyala Campus.

The talk centered on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) or also known as The Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. The Chinese government adopted this as a development strategy that involves infrastructure development, investments in Europe, Asia and Africa.

Most of the topics discussed during the seminar were centered on how the Belt and Road Initiative came to be, along with its benefits. The Belt and Road Initiative reaps many positive comments on how it will help China and Its neighbors to further strengthen their relationship, promotes trade, and generate economic benefit.


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