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Webinar: Updates in Tax Law (CREATE Law)


A webinar on Updates in Tax Law (CREATE Law), organized by CKS College Office for Continuing Professional Education and the School of Business, Accountancy, & Hospitality Management, shall bring together experts from industry to discuss Corporate Recovery Law and Tax Incentives for Enterprises Act. This shall be held on June 19, 2021 (Saturday), 1:00PM, via Zoom.

The webinar will feature a keynote address by a proud CKSian Alumnus from Batch 2004, Mr. Jonathan T. Bino. He is the Senior Manager in the Assurance service line of SGV & Co./ EY Philippines where many CKSian topnotchers like Eunice Millicent Li (Top 1, May 2015), Jan Marcus Tang (Top 2, May 2010), and Benson Kotah (Top 6, May 2012) have started their CPA careers. Other speakers from SGV & Co./ EY Philippines are Atty. Fidela Isip-Reyes, Partner of the International Tax Transaction Services practice and Ms. Maricris U. See, Partner in the Global Compliance and Reporting practice.

CKS College Office for Continuing Professional Education and the School of Business, Accountancy, & Hospitality Management organize this webinar for the participants and audiences to fully understand what CREATE Law is and its implications to businesses. The webinar shall be conducted in English and Mandarin. Ass fucking porn watch online.

Level I Accredited by the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (PACUCOA), CKS College offers courses and programs from the School of Business, Accountancy, and Hospitality Management; School of Information Technology Education; School of Education; and School of Graduate Studies.


Application is now ongoing for AY 2021-2022. Interested applicants may send an inquiry to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or may visit


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