PRODMA - Product and Brand Management
This course enables students to understand how family businesses operate in the country. The course touches on the dynamics of the family within the business, transfer of ownership, professionalism, and succession.
Pre-requisite/s : PRIMAO, PRIMAR
Credits : 3.0 Units
DISTMA - Distribution Management
This course introduces the student to the design and management of seamless, value-processes across organizational boundaries to meet the real needs of the end customer. With the end goal of making products and other offerings more accessible to users whenever required, students shall learn about effective and efficient distribution systems. The distribution function shall not only be considered as a channel used for reaching markets, but also as a tool in helping achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.
Pre-requisite/s : PRIMAO, PRIMAR
Credits : 3.0 Units
RETAMA - Retail Management
This course provides the student with a more thorough understanding and appreciation of retailing, the retail environment, and the issues and developments in the industry. Students shall be exposed to practical applications of retailing policies, methods, and procedures for both small and large operations. Fundamental retail management concepts shall be tackled within a conceptual, theoretical, practical, and strategic framework.
Pre-requisite/s : PRIMAO, PRIMAR
Credits : 3.0 Units
MARKRE - Marketing Research
The course deals with the basic concepts and applications in the field of marketing research. It intends to equip students with the basic tools and techniques in identifying marketing research problems, developing research designs, conducting the actual research, and analyzing and using the data gathered. Marketing research shall be addressed from the perspective of helping provide quality information to marketing decision makers.
Pre-requisite/s : PRIMAO, PRIMAR
Credits : 3.0 Units
ADVESA - Advertising and Sales Promotion
This course approaches advertising and sales promotion from an integrated marketing communication (IMC) perspective by coordinating all of the promotional mix elements to develop effective communication programs. As such, tools such as advertising, sales promotion, public relations, personal selling, direct marketing, and interactive marketing will be explored. Students will learn to apply theories in IMC management, utilizing them as tools to achieve the company’s communication objectives.
Pre-requisite/s : PRIMAO, PRIMAR
Credits : 3.0 Units
PROSAL - Professional Salesmanship
This course focuses on basic sales skills with an emphasis on understanding selling and sales trends in a competitive and diverse business environment. Students will determine their personal motivation for a sales career, and assess their capabilities and potential for success in sales. They will also gain valuable skills for personal and professional excellence.
Pre-requisite/s : PRIMAO, PRIMAR
Credits : 3.0 Units
SERVMA - Services Marketing
This course addresses the challenges professionals and organizations face in creating and delivering high quality services. Key frameworks, concepts, and applications in services marketing shall be addressed. Students shall learn to analyze customer/client requirements, measure service quality, and design, promote, and deliver outstanding service.
Pre-requisite/s : PRIMAO, PRIMAR
Credits : 3.0 Units
CONBEM - Consumer Behavior
The course the study of exchange processes involved in acquiring, consuming, and disposing of goods, services, experiences, and ideas applies concepts, principles, and theories, from various social sciences to the study of the buyer’s information, acquisition, evaluation, purchasing, and post-purchase evaluation processes. Topics include needs, motivations, perceptions, and attitudes of consumers, and the influence of social class, culture and subculture on consumer behavior. The role of marketing research in understanding consumer behavior shall also be explored.
Pre-requisite/s : PRIMAR
Credits : 3.0 Units