ITEA101 - Logic Circuits and Digital Design
Introduces the concepts of digital logic. Topics include data representation, Boolean algebra, minimization of Boolean expression, combinational and sequential circuits, flip-flops, registers, and PLAs.
Pre-requisites/s :
Credits : 3 units
ITEA102 - Introduction to Computer Organization
Introduces the concept of computers and information systems by presenting the process of computation as a hierarchy of virtual machines, beginning with the hardware and moving upward through various levels of increasingly sophisticated software. This course outlines the facilities provided by each virtual machine, along with the mechanisms and software tools that lead to the realization of the hierarchy.
Prerequisite/s: ITEA101
Credits : 3 units
ITEC102 - Presentation Skills in IT
Trains students in making technical and business presentations using popular presentation and graphics software and multimedia technology.
Pre-requisites/s :
Credits : 3 units
ITEC103 - Quality Consciousness, Habits & Processes
Introduces quality topics on work patterns, information management processes, and institutional business processes along with internationally accepted standards and guidelines such as ISO 9000, Malcolm Baldridge, Software Engineering Institute, etc.
Pre-requisites/s :
Credits : 3 units
ITEC104 - Professional Ethics and Values Education
Deals with ethics as the basis of formulating a code of conduct in the business world particularly as this applies to the information technology field. Topic also includes discussions on the basic concept and rediscovery of the usefulness of the Filipino system of values.
Pre-requisite/s :
Credits : 3 units
ITED101 - Discrete Mathematics I
Introduces the foundations of discrete mathematics as they apply to computer science, focusing on providing a solid theoretical foundation for further work. Topics include functions, relations, sets, simple proof techniques, Boolean algebra, propositional logic, digital logic, elementary number theory, and the fundamentals of counting.
Pre-requisite/s :
Credits : 3 units
ITEM103 - Probabilities and Statistics
Introduces the concepts of probability, random variable, discrete and continuous probability, distributions, sampling theory, estimations, and tests of hypothesis.
Prerequisites: ITEM102
Credits: 3 units
ITEP101L - Programming Fundamentals
Introduces the fundamental concepts of procedural programming. Topics include data types, control structures, I/O, functions, arrays, files, and the mechanics of running, testing, and debugging programs.
Pre-requisite/s :
Credits: 4 units lecture (4 hrs) & 2 units lab (6 hrs)
ITEP102L - Object-Oriented Programming
Introduces the concepts of object-oriented programming to students with a background in the procedural programming. The course begins with a review of control structures and data types with emphasis on structured data types and array processing. It then moves on to introduce the object-oriented programming paradigm, focusing on the definition and use of classes along with the fundamentals of object-oriented design.
Pre-requisite/s : ITEP101L
Credits : 2 units lecture (2 hrs) & 1 unit lab (3 hrs)
ITEP103L - Data Structures and Algorithms
Builds on the foundation provided by ITEP101L to introduce the fundamental concepts of data structures and the algorithms that proceed from them. Topics include recursion, fundamental data structures (including stacks, queues, linked lists, hash tables, trees, and graphs) and the basics of algorithmic analysis.
Pre-requisites: ITEP101L
Credits : 2 units lecture (2 hrs) & 1 unit lab (3 hrs)
ITEW101L - Introduction to the World-Wide Web
Introduces students to the world of information technology through the World-Wide Web, focusing on the techniques of web-page creation. No programming background is required, although students will learn some programming through scripting languages.
Pre-requisite/s :
Credits : 2 units lecture (2 hrs) & 1 unit lab (3 hrs)