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BSBA Major in Management : Electives

CHINWD - Chinese Wordprocessing

The Cang Jie input method is a system by which Chinese characters may be entered into a computer by means of a standard keyboard. It is based on the graph logical aspect of the characters wherein each basic, graphical unit is represented by a basic character component, of which there are 24 in all, each mapped to a particular letter key on a standard QWERTY keyboard. Cangjie is one of the very few input methods that can be found on most modern personal computers without the user having to download or install any additional software. CangJie allows keying even if you do not know the pronunciation of characters. CangJie, therefore, helps students of Chinese to remember characters’ shapes and structure.

Pre-requisite/s : COMTEC

Credits : 3.0 Units


PRESKI - Presentation Skills

This course introduces students to the concept of effective communication and helps them develop the skills and acquire the knowledge required for an effective business presentation. Students shall develop the ability to speak effectively in various situations, including speaking impromptu, negotiation, etc.

Pre-requisite/s : ENGL102

Credits : 3.0 Units


ECOM001 - E-Commerce

Electronic Commerce is a modern business methodology that addresses the needs of organizations, merchants, and consumers to cut costs while improving the quality of goods and services and increasing the speed of service delivery. In this course, students will examine critical information technologies that provide a basis for electronic commerce, and their application in a variety of sectors and industries. It will begin with coverage of the tools, skills and business concepts that surround the emergence of electronic commerce and the consequences of applying these information technologies to different commercial processes from both an operational and strategic perspective. It will also explore several of the problems surrounding electronic commerce such as security, privacy, content selection and rating, intellectual property rights, authentication, encryption, acceptable use policies, and legal liabilities.

Pre-requisite/s : COMAPL

Credits : 3.0 Units


SALACT - Sales, Agency, and Credit Transactions

This course deals with the law on sales covering contracts for the sale of goods including nature, forms, and requisites, distinguished from dacion en pago, cession in payment, contract for a piece of work, and barter; earnest money as distinguished from option money; rights/obligations of vendee and vendor; remedies of unpaid seller; warranties; sale with a right to repurchase or conventional redemption and legal redemption; sale on credit; installment sales (personal-property- Recto Law, real property- Maceda law). It also covers the law on agency; its nature, form and kinds; obligation of the agent and the principal; and modes of extinguishments. Also discussed are laws on credit transactions such as loan, deposit, guarantee, pledge, real mortgage, antichresis, and chattel mortgage. Other relevant laws on commerce and trade such as law on investments shall also be discussed.

Pre-requisite/s : OBLCON

Credits : 3.0 Units


FRAN01 Franchising

This course deals with the system of franchising as a form of business venture and explores the rapid growth of franchising as a method of doing business. It aims to provide the students with the necessary knowledge and framework of franchise operations and development. Topics include an overview of franchising, recognizing the right franchise opportunities, strategic planning in franchising, franchise business operation process, location and site selection, and financing, marketing, and managing the franchised business.

Pre-requisite/s : PRIMAO, PRIMAR

Credits : 3.0 Units


MARKRE - Marketing Research

The course deals with the basic concepts and applications in the field of marketing research. It intends to equip students with the basic tools and techniques in identifying marketing research problems, developing research designs, conducting the actual research, and analyzing and using the data gathered. Part of the students’ training includes enhancing their skills in problem identification and analysis and alternative evaluation. Marketing research shall be addressed from the perspective of helping provide quality information to marketing decision makers.

Pre-requisite/s : PRIMAO, PRIMAR, BUSTAT

Credits : 3.0 Units


PROSAL - Professional Salesmanship

This course focuses on basic sales skills with an emphasis on understanding selling and sales trends in a competitive and diverse business environment. Students will determine their personal motivation for a sales career, and assess their capabilities and potential for success in sales.  They will also gain valuable skills for personal and professional excellence.

Pre-requisite/s : PRIMAO, PRIMAR

Credits : 3.0 Units


FAMBUS - Managing the Family Firm / Family Business Management

This course enables students to understand how family businesses operate in the country. The course touches on the dynamics of the family within the business, transfer of ownership, professionalism, and succession.

Pre-requisite/s : PRIMAO, PRIMAR

Credits : 3.0 Units


RETAMA - Retail Management

This course provides the student with a more thorough understanding and appreciation of retailing, the retail environment, and the issues and developments in the industry. Students shall be exposed to practical applications of retailing policies, methods, and procedures for both small and large operations. Fundamental retail management concepts shall be tackled within a conceptual, theoretical, practical, and strategic framework.

Pre-requisite/s : PRIMAO, PRIMAR

Credits : 3.0 Units



Jan 6

Enrollment for 2nd Semester, AY 2024-2025

Nov 27

Final Examination Schedule 1st Semester A.Y. 2024-2025

Sep 20

Midterm Examination Schedule 1st Sem. AY 2024-2025

Jul 19

Sophomore to Senior students Enrollment for 1st Sem., AY 2024 -2025


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