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BSA : Basic Business Core

FACCT1 - Fundamentals of Accounting 1  

This is a 6-unit course that deals with the accounting process of typical transactions and accounting problems of a single proprietorship engaged in a service or merchandise business enterprise into useful financial information. The fundamental concepts and principles essential to the measurement and communication of said transactions are introduced and emphasized as the course progresses.

Pre-requisite/s : None

Credits : 6.0 Units


PRIMAO- Principles of Management and Organization

This course is an introduction to the management functions: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. It will focus on the theories and fundamental concepts of management and emphasize the basic roles, skills, and functions of management, with special emphasis on managerial responsibility for effective and efficient achievement of goals. Topics such as social responsibility, managerial ethics, and the importance of multi-national organizations shall also be discussed. Furthermore, the class will cover the evolution of management thought, function, and practice, and will emphasize current approaches and emerging trends.

Pre-requisite/s : None

Credits : 3.0 Units


PRIMAR - Principles of Marketing

The course gives the student a deeper understanding of core marketing concepts, activities, and applications, and identifies the role of marketing management in developing competitive advantage for business and service establishments.  It also aims to develop the student’s ability to appreciate and use contemporary models in marketing management for sound decision making. Students shall be trained to design and implement product, price, place, and promotion strategies, in order to help a company achieve its strategic and financial objectives, while at the same time, develop and sustain long term customer relationships.

Pre-requisite/s : None

Credits : 3.0 Units


BASFIN - Basic Finance

This course will focus on what business firms should do to achieve their financial goals and how they can optimize the owners’ wealth. Key topics include finance function, the operating environment of finance, time value of money, risk and return, tools of financial analysis and planning, utilization of funds, acquisition of funds, credit and banking, financial intermediaries, financial markets, foreign exchange markets, and monetary policy.

Pre-requisite/s : None

Credits : 3.0 Units


HUBEOR - Human Behavior in Organizations

This course is designed to give students the basic knowledge of human behavior needed to create a more effective organizational environment. The course shall be broken down into three segments: (1) the behavior of individuals in organizations, (2) group behavior in organizations, and (3) how these behaviors affect the overall performance of organizations. Particular emphasis will be placed on individual differences, attitude, motivation, job satisfaction, communication, leadership, stress, change, and organizational culture.

Pre-requisite/s : PRIMAO, GENPSY

Credits : 3.0 Units


BUSCOM - Business Communication

This course focuses on the correct use of the English language as a tool that shapes effective communication, both written and spoken, in the business world. It tackles the fundamentals of technical writing which provide students with adequate writing practice through the process beginning from prewriting, writing, and rewriting stages of different technical papers in particular business letters and reports.

Pre-requisite/s : ENGL101, ENGL102

Credits : 3.0 Units


COMAPL- Business Computer Application

This course is designed to teach students the theoretical approach to information technology and management information systems within a business/computer science environment.  Practical business computer applications will emphasize word processing and spreadsheets. It will prepare the students in the application of office productivity software that is used in the industry.  Lectures, hands-on activities, and projects shall expose the students to the actual functions of the software.

Pre-requisite/s : COMTEC

Credits : 3.0 Units


FUNDBA - Fundamentals of Database Theory & Applications

This course is intended to introduce the features of Access to beginning Access users. Most organizations maintain and manage large amounts of information. One of the most efficient and powerful information management, computer-based applications, is the relational database. This course is designed to learn the basic operations of the Microsoft Access Database program necessary to perform their day-to-day responsibilities, and to understand the advantages that using a relational database program can bring to the business processes. This course will use a hands-on approach to learning Access software. This course is concerned with working with tables to create and maintain records, locate records, and produce reports based on the information in the database. The course also provides the fundamental knowledge and techniques needed to advance to more technical Access applications.

Pre-requisite/s : NONE

Credits : 3.0 Units


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