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Artificial Intelligence Major Subjects

CSIS301 - Understanding Intelligence

Introduces the principles underlying intelligence, as well as detailed information on intelligent and simulated agents.  Topics include foundations and issues of intelligence in classical AI and cognitive science, cognitive science framework, agents, and concepts of intelligent systems.

Pre-requisite/s : ITEP201L, CSDS201

Credits : 3 units


CSIS302 - Artificial Intelligence

Introduces the foundations and concepts of artificial intelligence.  Topics includes knowledge representation, problem solving, and search. Also designed to train students to solve problems in functional or logic programming languages.

Pre-requisite/s : CSIS301

Credits: 2 units lecture (2 hrs) & 1 unit lab (3 hrs)


CSIS303 - Robotics

Introduces the mathematics, programming, and control of robots.  Topics include coordinate systems and transformations, manipulator kinematics and inverse kinematics, trajectory planning, sensors, actuators and control.

Pre-requisite/s : CSIS302

Credits: 2 units lecture (2 hrs) & 1 unit lab (3 hrs)


CSIS304 - Intelligent Systems

Focuses on the design of intelligent systems in various applications like expert systems, intelligent information systems, machine translation systems, intelligent tutoring systems, and intelligent robotic systems. Topics will focus on the design based on the theories in artificial intelligence.

Pre-requisite/s: CSIS302

Credits : 2 units lecture (2 hrs) & 1 unit lab (3 hrs)


CSIS305 - AI Topic 1

Focuses on artificial intelligence topics such as machine learning, neural networks, fuzzy logic, artificial life, computer vision and data mining.

Pre-requisite/s : CSIS302

Credits : 3 units


CSIS306 - AI Topic 2

See CSIS305.

Pre-requisite/s : CSIS302

Credits : 3 units


Jan 6

Enrollment for 2nd Semester, AY 2024-2025

Nov 27

Final Examination Schedule 1st Semester A.Y. 2024-2025

Sep 20

Midterm Examination Schedule 1st Sem. AY 2024-2025

Jul 19

Sophomore to Senior students Enrollment for 1st Sem., AY 2024 -2025


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