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CKS College Rotaract Club Outreach Program: A Tree for Every Rotarian

Last November 10, 2018, CKSian Rotaractors participated in the tree planting project entitled “A Tree for Every Rotarian” held at the La Mesa Watershed in Quezon City. The project was spearheaded by the Rotary Club of Manila Bay in partnership with the Rotary Club of Chinatown Manila, Rotary Club of Raha Sulayman Manila, and Rotary Club Hiyas ng Maynila in celebration of the 100 years of Rotary in Asia.

Before the participants get their hands soiled, Mr. Roel Gallibu of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources briefed everyone as to how the small plant would grow and how it would eventually grow into a forest of trees.

The CKSian Rotaractors were able to plant 24 trees. This shows that even CKSians have green thumbs after all. 

Article By: Sia, Nicole Anne



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