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Lecture Series Part 2: Bridging the Industry - Academe Gap

Students from various levels and programs of Chiang Kai Shek College attended the second talk in the CKS College Lecture Series, entitled: “Bridging the Industry – Academe Gap” last November 24. Aside from educating stakeholders about the trends and developments in the industry, the Lecture Series also seeks to develop identifiable sets of knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will ensure them to be prepared to face the unfamiliar challenges in the workplace. 

This lecture featured Mr. Alvin Kingson Tan, who is also a proud alumnus of CKS College. He is the president of the Fil-Chi Media Productions Inc., the company behind Chinoy TV. Mr. Tan spoke about his success, challenges, and learnings throughout his entrepreneurial journey.

According to him, companies prefer to hire graduates who have the skills to excel in today’s times. High grades, professional knowledge, and competence alone are not enough. There is also a demand for soft skills, such as the ability to communicate effectively and work seamlessly across global, multicultural teams. Teamwork, problem-solving, and self-management are skills that are seen as valuable for success in the workplace. He also emphasized the importance of the Chinese language. Chinese is now considered as an important language worldwide because of its increased use in the business world.

Lastly, he reminded the audience to never give up. It means believing in oneself and being willingto accept “failure” so that the critical skill of adaptation can be learned. It means not compromising on the most important values, and walking the walk, rather than just talking the talk. It means living the life you want and are passionate about. 

Student attendees actively raised queries and concerns during the open forum.


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