CKSC Diamond Hotel Immersion

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The students of HRMA001 (Introduction to HRM) and HOPE007 (Leisure, Sports & Recreation Management) had their Hotel Live–in Immersion last October 15 and 16, 2015 at the Diamond Hotel in Manila. Among others, the objective of the said event was to reinforce the learning in the classroom with actual exposure to a hotel set–up. It was also coincided with the conduct of the final activities of HOPE007.

The hotel familiarization included an interactive seminar on hotel operations (F&B and housekeeping services), tour within the hotel, whole day use of the function room, and overnight accommodation with complimentary buffet breakfast at the Corniche. The immersion was capped with fun-filled games that included “Where’s Honey”, “Tie the Knots”, “Take it Off”, “Blowing Job”, “Newspaper Dance” and “Coffee Pong”.